Free the Poo

Made by Lightning Rock

Available Now

Game Description
Developed for Icon Water, Free the Poo is an educational game. People aren’t binning their wet wipes and now the fatberg’s out of control! Grab your plunger and get ready to flush, we need you to fight back!

Run, jump and slide your way through Canberra’s sewer, stomping every wet wipe you can. But look out! The wipes you hit, but don’t squash, are headed straight for the fatberg.

As you duck, and weave, through Canberra’s pipes remember to grab any toilet paper you spot along the way. Plumbing equipment is timed so each roll you collect will keep you upgraded for longer.

You’ve got two major objectives: unclog the wet well and defeat the fatberg. Move quickly! If you take too long Canberrans are in for a brown surprise...

So, what are you waiting for? Let’s get to work!